Show HN: Over 600 CSS Animations to Code


16 points | by thisisroushan 9 days ago ago


  • tryggs 9 days ago ago

    Great work! I just sent this to a friend of mine who is currently learning to program, who was asking for something like this? Do you have any revenue sources from Gradienty?

    As a legal geek, I feel the need to point out that you haven’t linked to any terms of service or similar documents (at least on the website). I only see a privacy policie imho looks very generall. Is that something you’ve thought about?

    In the early stages you’re in, you’ll probably be fine, but you wouldn’t want to risk getting sued for something so simple down the line (like me hahah).

    I’m the creator of a tool called Legalfast (, so I’d obviously recommend it. And hey… if the early adopter pricing feels too steep, let me know!

    Wishing you all the best, // Sebbe

    • thisisroushan 8 days ago ago

      Hey Sebbe, thanks for the kind words - currently, no - I do not earn anything off of Gradienty. But I'm striving to get it there, one day.

      I'll look into LegalFast, looks helpful :)